Anatomy and Physiology

Overview of anatomical and physiological interrelationships. Major organs, muscles, bones, and systems of the body.
Prerequisite: None
Maximum Students: 18
Course Objectives:
- To introduce the basic organizing pattern of the body and basic anatomical reference terms
- To study the anatomy and physiology of the body at the system level
- Review of basic anatomical terms for the regions of the body, planes of movement, directions and positions.
- Reference Terminology
- Organization of the Body
- Basic Study of Chemical Level
- Basic Study of Cellular Level
- Basic Study of Tissue Level
- Individual Study of the 11 Main Systems of the body: Integumentary, Cardiovascular, Lympho-immune, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Nervous, Endocrine, Skeletal, Muscular
Recommended Texts:
- Principles of Anatomy And Physiology: Tortora, Gerard J.
- The Anatomy coloring Book (3rd Ed): Kapit, Wynn and Elson, Lawrence
- Physiology Coloring Bood (2nd Ed): Kapit, Wynn; Macey, Robert I.; Meisami, Esmail
Additional Resource Materials used: Handouts
Teaching Methods: Lecture, Visual Media, Practice, Discussion
Length: 16hrs