Body Education and Awareness Workshop Series
Section C of How To Train And Not Get Hurt
To be more than the sum of your parts, it helps to know the parts and how they interact.
Come to know how your body functions and you will understand how you can transform it. This series of workshops builds on itself and is best done as a set. However, if you can’t attend the full series, there is plenty to learn from taking one or more workshops on an individual basis.
Maximum Students per Workshop: 12
Length per Workshop: 3hrs
Return to: How To Train And Not Get Hurt – Full Series Overview

Refining Body Awareness: Knowing your trunk from your limbs, combining stability with mobility.
How to sit, stand and move: an exploration of poise and quality of movement. Learning to stabilize your trunk while moving your limbs and vise versa is an essential skill. Stabilizing is more than just being rigid, stability under load requires constant micro-adjusting.

Freedom Through Mobility: a look at long lines, segments stacking, and neurovascular range of movement
Knowing that you’re inflexible is different than knowing how you’re inflexible. Range of motion is not solely dependent upon muscles and ligaments. Discover how, alignment, antagonist muscle relationships, fascia, and the structure of the vascular and nervous systems affect mobility.

Developing Functional Flexibility
Being flexible in and of itself doesn’t improve performance. Having strength and stability throughout your range does. Explore how to develop functional flexibility by understanding foundation skill assessment, exercise dosage and the application of a number of neuromuscular modalities.

Reclaiming the squat and understanding the splits in terms of pelvic stability and hip mobility
The squat is our birth right, reclaiming the squat as a basic human resting position and coming to terms with the splits as they pertain to human functional movement. Not all pelvises and hips are created equal. Understanding structural differences provides insights into how to assess and modify your squat and split training.

Understanding the “backbend” as a functional as well as foundational movement
Learning how to open up; acquiring the practical knowledge necessary to progressing through this foundational movement that is integral to posture, tumbling, inversion, and the expressivity of the human body. This workshop will cover various learning methods with regard to increasing strength and range of motion throughout the “backbend”.

Opening the chest and strengthening the back
Modern lifestyles leave us with a closed chest, rounded shoulders, and chronic muscle imbalances. Discover how to stand tall, develop a strong open upper body and maintain this alignment throughout your movements.

Using your arms as legs – growing into handstands and tumbling
Explore the integration of strength, equilibrium and refined body awareness to find grace while inverted and inverting.