Physical Limitation Elimination

Practice moving INTELLIGENTLY! What is PLE ?

PLE (Physical Limitation Elimination) is a way of approaching somatic learning that can benefit everyone of all fitness levels, from all disciplines. PLE is for everyone who wants to learn to exercise more intelligently and improve their physical abilities. Akin the physical therapy for athletic development, PLE incorporates aspects of Orthopedics, Osteopathy, Neuromuscular Reeducation, mental training, Alexander Technique, Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga, calisthenics, and current scientific research to assess and address an individual’s limitation. Regardless of if you are rehabbing, prehabbing, maintaining or developing, PLE will be able to design effective progressions which best suit your needs.

Using suspension training, partner work, balance games, core exercises, movement puzzles and much more you will discover your limitations and learn safe and appropriate ways to challenge and move beyond them. You will sweat and laugh as you develop greater body awareness and nurture the ability to fine-tune movement precision.