Practical Anatomy: Regional Classes

Body Focus:
- Shoulder & Arm
- Forearm & Hand
- Pelvis & Thigh
- Leg & Foot
- Torso
- Head & Neck
- Viscera is covered in a separate class
The classes in this series follow the pattern of lecture, practice, and review as it covers the topics of bones and bony landmarks, joints, muscles, and neurovascular structures.
Please be advised that these classes involve disrobing and minimal draping to allow direct contact with your skin. This direct contact greatly enhances the palpation of structures and is needed for the drawing of these structures. In order to accommodate these goals, be prepared for disrobing or wear clothing that will allow easy access to your skin. Good hygiene is also a must.
Lectures use reference texts (Trail Guide to the Body, by Andrew Biel and Atlas of Human Anatomy, by Frank Netter), visual media (Acland’s DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy, by Robert D. Acland) and demonstration of practice.
Practice involves visualizing, locating, palpating, and drawing (with washable markers) structures on co-students.
Review involves visual media (Acland’s DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy, by Robert D. Acland) and verbal discussion.
This class is a part of Practical Anatomy Series Overview
Prerequisites: Practical Anatomy: Introduction or equivalent
Course Objectives:
To deepen one’s understanding of the anatomy and function of the structures of the body.
- Review of topographical anatomy
- Palpation of skin and fascia
- Study and exploration of bones, bony landmarks,
- Study and exploration of joints and related connective tissue
- Study and exploration of muscles, compartments
- Study and exploration of vascular structures
- Study and exploration of nerves
- Required: Trail Guide to the Body: How to locate muscles, bones and more (3rd Ed or later); Biel, Andrew R.
- Recommended- The Atlas of Human Anatomy (3rd Ed); Netter, Frank H. or equivalent
Note: Having the Trail Guide is a necessary part of this class. Make a point to have your copy in hand.
Additional Resource Materials Used:
- Handouts
- Skeletal Models
- Washable Markers, Co-students
Teaching Methods: Lecture, Visual Media, Practice, Discussion
Length: 16hrs per workshop