PLE Picnic in the Park
Bending BackwardZ
PLÉ in Paradise Acrobatic & Aerial Retreat
5 Day Human Cadaver Dissection For Movement Artists
Vestibular, Balance and Stability Games
Healthy, Happy Wrists
Neck Fitness
Spine, Abs, Core and More
Creating Effective Efficient Warm-ups
4-Part Training Series
Understanding Neuromuscular Techniques
Stretching Part 1: Understanding Range of Motion
Stretching Part 2: Matching Techniques to Goals
Creating Stability
Human Cadaver Study
Human Cadaver Dissection
Anatomy and Physiology
Practical Anatomy Series
Histology: Tissue Matters
Neuromuscular Techniques for Stretching and Strengthening Series
Tui Na: Sports Applications
Pop-Up Classes- Handstands
Pop-Up Classes- PLE
How To Train and Not Get Hurt
Body Education Awareness Workshop Series
Shoulder Management
Trampoline Safety and Teaching Techniques
The Beauty of Bones
Freeing the Layers-Accessing The Axilla
Freeing the Layers- Accessing The Hip
Freeing the Layers- Neck and Throat
Inversions-Using Your Arms as Legs
Bending Backwards for Acrobatics Workshop Series
Progressions Towards Excellence: Inversion Series
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