Neck Fitness

The goal of this workshop is to shine light on one of the most vital yet typically under-trained areas of the body, the neck.
It is easy for us to take our necks for granted. Even though neck trauma is one of the most feared due to its catastrophic potential it is uncommon to see its fitness addressed in athletic training regimes. Neck fitness can help reduce the likelihood of whiplash type traumas as well as issues such as lightheadedness and upper limb impairment.
Presented will be a basic overview of neck and head biomechanics. You will learn easy, simple ways to assess neck function and tools that will allow you to intelligently design your training to minimize loss-time injuries and behaviours that impede athletic development.
The workshop will include a study of the neurological relationship of the neck to upper limb function as they are thoroughly integrated.
This workshop is part lecture and part lab so you will be able to integrate the information with practical exploration.
Come learn techniques to build strength and resilience to support safe use of this vital region.
Length: 1hr30mins
Equipment (optional and recommended):
—bench, coffe table, yoga blocks or an equivalent surface upon which you can be supine elevated off the floor with head unsupported.
—floor space and/or wall for inverted support padding for head in on a head surface)
—towel, sweatshirt or an equivalent item which can be slung under back of head for traction
—strap, yoga belt or equivalent
—resistance bands