Diving Buddah’s approach begins with defining health and fitness goals, performing an assessment, and creating a plan to achieve goals, through education, awareness, and bodywork. Specialties include: orthopedic and postural assessments, injury management and prevention, postural reeducation (poor posture is a common cause of chronic pain), and performance maximization for athletes. Services are available for a variety of settings from private and semi-private sessions to group workshops and classes.
Focus on revitalizing damaged tissue and impaired functionality, and facilitating your body’s ability to recover from strenuous use. Techniques used include myofascial release, soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, neuromuscular re-education, deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, postural realignment, and others.
Focus on helping you understand the body on an anatomical and biomechanical level, how to train safely and personalize exercises.
Focus on teaching and assisting with exercise therapy, including developing the fundamental ingredients of movement.
Individual personal goals usually fall into one or more of three categories:
Rehabilitation: relieving pain, recovering from injury or surgery, and/or correcting chronic poor posture.
Maintenance: preventative care.
Development: improving athletic ability.
Individual personal goals usually fall into one or more of three categories:
Rehabilitation: relieving pain, recovering from injury or surgery, and/or correcting chronic poor posture.
Maintenance: preventative care.
Development: improving athletic ability.
Assessment & Planning
are invaluable tools for identifying causes of pain and tailoring training to maximize performance. Areas of assessment include posture and alignment, balance, flexibility, strength, and stability. Skilled assessment notes how well the fundamental components work in isolation and how efficiently they work together, from inability to prowess. Using the information gained, an effective approach can be tailored to each person.